Friday, September 13, 2013

Consider yourself refreshed

Oh fall, you sweet temptress. Here I am…card in hand…prepared to order a pumpkin spice latte or hot apple cider. I want to close my eyes and picture the leaves changing and then falling. I want to hear wood crackling with fire and my friends laughing as we share s’mores and bundle up in sweaters.  One drink transports me to bright pumpkin patches and moments of thanksgiving. Sweet fall. You really are a tease.

I have a drink for every season, you know. Peppermint mocha in the winter, lemonade in the spring, and frozen mochas in the summer.  There is something about having these refreshments that feels like a special treat.  They make me think of traditions and remind of some of my favorite memories alongside those that I love. Or quiet moments by myself. Oh my goodness, there were actually quiet moments. By. My. Self.

Time Out felt like a pumpkin spice latte with double whip to my soul yesterday. I love being in the room with you ladies. I love seeing familiar faces mixed in with the new. Just like a warm drink on a cool day, it warmed me up to see Katy’s gift as a speaker tempered by her humility as a believer. We’ve got her all year, ladies! And just as lemonade cools me down with its perfect blend of tart and sweet, our discussion forced me to seek God’s picture of courage for my life.

We are all in different seasons of life and in need of “refreshments” that renew our spirits. I’m reminded of John 4, where Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well. He offered her living water that would cause her to never thirst again. Never mind that He was revealing His personhood to a woman. Look past the hatred between Jews and Samaritans at that time. Ladies. She was carrying a heavy jug IN THE DESERT and this man offered her what sounded like a solution to this monotonous task. He was describing the very first refrigerator that also dispenses filtered water. Mind blown.

So as we come together and consider various virtues, life challenges, and areas that we need encouragement, let us always remember the true source of refreshment to our souls. Like a deer pants for water (Psalm 42:1), let us fill our time with growing in our relationships with Christ. Let us be moved by the Holy Spirit. And let us seek to glorify God in the time that we have.  No yummy drink…no matter the weather…compares to the Living Water. And we have a lifetime supply.


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